Monday, February 3, 2020

Working as a Taxi Driver: Tasks and Skills of the Taxi Driver

The taxi driver is a professional driver who takes care of transporting passengers on a vehicle , carrying out a service " on request" . Its main task is to pick up and accompany passengers to the indicated destination quickly and efficiently.

How does the taxi service work and how does the taxi driver's day work ?

The taxi driver stops with his vehicle in special pitches located in strategic points: for example, taxis are located near railway stations, airports , port airports, exhibition centers and in other areas with a high flow of tourists , typically in large cities . People who need a taxi contact the taxi driver directly or by phone, "radio taxi" or app , and indicate the place of destination. They can also book the taxi indicating the address and the time when the taxi driver must come to pick them up.

Working as a Taxi Driver: Tasks and Skills of the Taxi Driver

The taxi driver takes care of passengers' requests and accompanies them to the requested destination. It helps passengers getting on and off the car and loading and unloading luggage. The payment of the taxi takes place at the end of the race: the amount due is calculated by a taximeter installed on the car and varies according to the distance traveled and the time taken. However, there are also other factors that can affect the price of the taxi: for example, extra surcharges for the night or holiday service, for the transport of animals etc. In some cases, however, a predetermined tariff is applied : for example in the case of standard urban or suburban routes such as the taxi service from / to the airport . please visit for getting a car service Airport Taxis London

In various cities it is possible to use taxi sharing : passengers use the same car and share the cost of the ride, thus having an economic advantage and reducing city traffic and environmental impact.

Skills of the taxi driver

Often it is tourists who need a taxi service to move to a new city they wish to visit. During the journey, the taxi driver can illustrate the attractions of the city and provide useful information to the tourists it transports, on the places to visit or the places to eat. Even business travelers use taxis, but not only: the taxi driver is particularly useful for all people who for various reasons cannot drive and move independently or by public transport. The taxi transfer service and accompanying elderly, sick or disabled people from home to the place of treatment and vice versa are in great demand .

The taxi driver offers a public transport service (unlike a private driver) and the taxi must therefore be easily recognizable for those who want to use the service: for example, in some cities distinctive colors are used for vehicles (the yellow taxi in New York or the black taxi in London) and a sign with the word "taxi" is placed on the hood of the car. The work takes place in contact with the public : the taxi driver must therefore deal politely and cordially with the passengers he transports, and be available to chat with them while driving. Taxi drivers must ensure safe driving in compliance with the Highway Code: they are in fact responsible for the safety of the people transported and must monitor the conditions of the passengers during the journey. Even the care of the vehicle is the responsibility of the taxi driver: must ensure order and cleanliness, checks and audits and take care of routine maintenance of the car, to make safe and pleasant ride .

The work of the taxi driver takes place while driving, by car , often immersed in city traffic , with breaks between one ride and another, and requires full time flexibility (even on holidays , on weekends and at night time slots ). To become a taxi driver you need a license to qualify for the profession: you can then work independently or for companies that offer taxi service .

Tasks and Tasks of the Taxi Driver

Tasks and duties of the taxi driver

What does the taxi driver do?

Pick up and transport passengers to the requested destination

It deals with loading and unloading baggage

Calculate the best route

Calculate the amount due and manage the payment

Return to the rest area for a new tour

Keeps driving safe and respectful of the Highway Code

It keeps the vehicle clean and safe and efficient

Entertaining passengers during the ride is not one of the taxi driver's duties, although the ability to have a conversation is a feature appreciated by most people. for more article