It is well known to all that in order to achieve the complete excellence of a YouTube channel, it is necessary to have a large community, both in real numbers and in the number of subscribers, since this generates a large source of visits. Therefore, it should not surprise you that all YouTubers seek to obtain the maximum number of subscribers for their channel and thus achieve greater growth.
The great news is that it is not difficult to achieve this goal if you are clear about how to achieve it.
Obviously, you want your number of subscribers to grow as much as possible, and that is what we will focus on below, but it is important to understand that the value of subscribers is perceived when they are of quality since they will be the ones who share your videos with more people in other portals and social networks, generating in turn that your YouTube channel grows at great speed.
Four keys to growing your YouTube channel
Now that we know that the fundamental factor to achieve the success of your YouTube channel is the quality of your subscribers, it is time to touch on another issue that is also vital to achieving the growth of your channel: maintaining said subscribers and that they serve as a means to highlight your channel. compared to others who deal with topics similar to yours.
1. Knows well the demand to satisfy
When a person subscribes to your video, it is because that topic generates a lot of interest, so they will want more similar videos. We do not recommend that you change the topics on which you publish every day and that they are not related to each other since expectations will be disappointing and you will lose subscribers.
There are many who have YouTube channels and the topics are very broad, so you have to differentiate yourself from other YouTubers who do something similar or the same that you present on your channel.
3. Make quality videos
It is as simple as if your videos are bad, you will not have positive results. As you already know, the offer is vast, so users with just a click or two can move on to another alternative.
Therefore, quality is not an option, it must be essential. Both audio and visual quality must be 100% excellent.
Subscribers will be hungry for more videos like the one that motivated them to subscribe to your channel, so don't let too much time go by between posts so that subscribers don't get tired and leave your YouTube channel.
When approaching a subject, I am very interested in investigating the etymological origin of the words. Frequently, this gives us some guidance about what is beyond the literality of the word itself, that is, what seeks to express itself with the use of a certain term. Take the word 'absence'. This comes from the Latin word absentia, which, in turn, derives from the verb abuse, composed of ab = distance, separation, and ease = to be, to be. That is, absence is the situation or quality of what is far away, separated.
The word absence, then, serves us to express distance, separation from something or someone. If we think about it carefully, separations, whether temporary or permanent, are a constant in our existence. The young child who enters preschool has to temporarily separate from his mother, his father from him, and the physical space in which he has lived on a daily basis. All this will be absent, temporarily, from his perception of him. For the mother and for the father, this also implies a separation, a temporary physical absence from that young child who is now in the care of people other than them. Years later, at the end of primary school, that child will be separated from his teachers, his friends, and his classmates to enter the next school level. Something similar will happen at the following school levels. Let's think when a child leaves the parents' house: these, the siblings (if any), and the physical space where they have lived cease to be present in their daily perception. When parents divorce, usually one of them stops living with the children; there is a physical absence of the father who leaves the home, which is often very painful for the children.
Now, with the pandemic, physical absence has been the daily bread. We have been absent, physically, from our workplaces, from the classrooms for whom we teach, and from the consulting room. For months, there was an absence of family gatherings, friends, etc. Paraphrasing the phrase by K. Marx and F. Engels (1848), with which they begin the Communist Party Manifesto —“A specter is haunting Europe, the specter of communism” (p. 21)— we could now say with the pandemic: a ghost haunts the present world, the ghost of physical absence. What consequences has this multiplicity of physical absences had in the minds of the subjects? How have we dealt with these absences that for many have been terribly painful?
Freud speaks, in his text Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), about a game he observed in his grandson —son of Sofia, his favorite daughter— who would later die of Spanish fever. This little boy, eighteen months old, played to winnow and disappear the objects of his perception of him, pronouncing the word fort, that is, far away, he went away. In a second moment, Freud observed his grandson of him, throwing a spool to make it disappear and then pulling the thread to make it reappear. This last action was accompanied by the word da = here it is. In the Freudian interpretation, the child is representing the cycles of absence and presence of the mother, a fundamental staging that allows him to discover the possibility of permanence, of continuity; that is, the possibility of building a psychic representation of the mother. For Freud, the instinctual renunciation of admitting, without protest, the departure of the mother constitutes a great cultural achievement of the child. Thus, the absence of the mother is necessary, since it enables the construction of a representation of her in her mind. If there is no absence, what exists is not a psychic representation, but a perception of the mother in external reality.
A year later, when the boy was 30 months old and had been told that his father was away because he had gone to war, Freud mentions that when he got angry with a toy he would throw it on the floor and say “go to bed” !” war!". Therefore, what Freud called a great cultural achievement of the child - the staging of the absence of the mother that constitutes a painful fact for him and also the absence of the father - became a great Freudian discovery to be able to explain the importance of the absence in the formation of the psyche. Some years later, in his text Of him The negation, Freud (1925) argues that "it is necessary to remember that all representations come from perceptions, they are repetitions of these... thinking has the ability to make present again, reproducing it in the representation, something that was once perceived, for which there is no need for the object to continue to be out there" (p. 255). With this, the field was opened to continue reflecting on the importance of absence in psychic life.
Indeed, for Lacan, this game of absences and presences is the necessary foundation for introjection and the elaboration of both the symbolic and the imaginary. Klein emphasized the early development of the psyche and proposed that the internal world of the subject is built based on these constant cycles of absences and presences; first from the breast and then from the mother until, ideally, there is an integration of objects and a primacy of love over hate.
Daily life and clinical work show us the relevance of absence in the formation of the psyche and, therefore, in the way we deal with absences of various kinds that occur throughout our existence. For example, there are young people who go to study abroad and find it hard to tolerate the absence, and separation from their parents, their siblings, their friends, their boyfriend, and their culture. Others, even if they don't leave the country, leave their parent's house, but there isn't a day when they don't call their mother or father. Not doing so generates anxiety, guilt, etc. In other words, it is very difficult for them to tolerate the physical absence of the parental home, which is nothing more than a reflection of the difficulty of the psychic separation from the parents. Now, with the pandemic, the absence of the places that were frequented daily and of physical contact with people, especially with loved ones, has generated many emotions and fantasies. An older adult, as a result of her confinement de Ella and the absence of her children and grandchildren who visited her periodically, made the following statement: “Damn pandemic. She took my children, my family. I don't know if I'll ever see them again. There is no time for this."
The vein that Freud opened, with this theme, has given rise to innumerable texts that deal with absences, separations, and losses in the constitution of
Despite its name resulting from the Greek "Hypno", which means sleep, and contrary to what most patients think, the hypnotic state has no direct relation to ordinary sleep. "The state of hypnosis does not consist absolutely in being asleep but, on the contrary, in modifying our consciousness to bring our attention to certain aspects of our psychic functioning."
Often when I discuss hypnosis with my patients, a halo of mystery seems to surround our interview. The evocation of the word arouses contrasting feelings: fear, mistrust, paradoxically fascination, and an obvious attraction. Suddenly her eyes de Ella sparkle and they become even more eloquent, and for a few moments, the suffering passes to the second plan to open the doors to the discovery of her treatment de Ella, the one that will allow her to heal. But what is hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a natural state that we experience every day, a state that each one of us possesses, a state between « víeille » and sleep, where there is nothing artificial or supernatural. It is a moment when, on the threshold of sleep, when you are not fully awake and you are not yet asleep, a state that reaches different levels of depth."Everyone is sensitive to hypnosis, provided they want to perform it."
It is a moment when, on the threshold of sleep, when you are not fully awake and you are not yet asleep, a state that reaches different levels of depth."Everyone is sensitive to hypnosis, provided they want to perform it."
L'hypnosis increases your ability to respond to suggestions and there is precisely its therapeutic interest. Patients thus become more apt to accept instructions. "But it is necessary, first of all, that they agree to cooperate. You cannot ask a patient to do something that is against her moral standards or against her own will."
Thus, all the people who were seen doing the "rooster in camaraderie" in front of the audience, in a "show of hypnotism", acted as clowns because they agreed to do so.
The patient under hypnosis is in a state of intense physical relaxation and mental concentration, which allows him to overcome the part of his spirit that is regulated by logic (he freed himself and put his spirit of analysis on his side). to enable you to explore your inner resources: physical as well as mental capacities, and to see things differently than my normal conscious thought. "It is not yet possible to explain how this occurs, but this person is then in a state of hypnosis."
Hypnosis is a means of connecting to your subconscious through trance. It can also be said that it is a state of consciousness modified by a transfer (pass - pass, leave...) established by the therapist and the patient himself. The hypnotic trance is above all a pleasant state where the concentration is oriented towards the interior of oneself. It is a simple mechanism that puts the conscious spirit in "veilleuse" and favors the functioning of the subconscious. The patient voluntarily limits her state of attention and voluntarily produces the trance at the therapist's request.
Every hypnotherapy session begins with an induction, which is the passage from limited vigilance to generalized vigilance; it means that the state of relaxation in which the patient is, allows him to enter a trance.
By variable inductive methods, the patient is led to the trance, an intimate space of change, of reconstitution of his report of the world and of things. In a hypnotic trance, the patient develops a selective consciousness and remains in constant communication with the therapist. During this time, the conscious body and spirit are in a state of passivity, which allows the patient to access greater communication with their unconscious.
The patient is basically him, in his unconscious and in contact with those tools necessary to "repair himself". The therapist works with the patient in a relationship of trust and exchange, in order to request his own ability to heal, allowing him to discover the inner subconscious forces that exist in him, which will solve his problems through the intermediary of images. visualization, and positive suggestions.
"Hypnotic induction can be obtained by visual fixation of an object, luminous or not, placed 25 cm away; by the use of a metronome or, generally, by simple verbal suggestions that suggest to the patient to relax, to free himself by fixing his attention on different parts The is to obtain a dissociation between the spirit and the body, the tone of the voice accompanies the distension and relaxation, which allows deepening the trance: the subject more and more inside himself, he disconnects from his usual method of thought and some defense mechanisms. But be careful, he is not unconscious, on the contrary, the vigilance he has towards the environment is increased and he will not accept to do or say, that he wants vraiment" .
Hypnosis then gives us access to the three main therapeutic compartments through suggestive, behavioral, cognitive, and sometimes even analytical actions, essentially falling within the field of mental activations, limiting bodily activations to specific sensations. This particular form of communication deepens the patient-therapist relationship. In this state, it is possible to suggest bodily modifications: the sensation of heat or cold, automatic movement of the hand or arm, which has the interest of increasing the body/spirit dissociation and of affirming the trance that opens the possibility of significantly promoting the creative capacities and the potential self-healing of the patient".
In a state of hypnotic trance, your unconscious opens up to you and it is possible to do many things, even those you thought were impossible:
Communicate directly with your unconscious.
Forget obsessive memories.
Dissociate yourself from your emotions.
Access forgotten memories.
Suppress pain.
Develop your resources.
... etc
These possibilities will allow you to introduce lasting changes, which is the goal of all psychotherapy, and hypnosis is the most powerful tool for change known.
In this context, we can use the different techniques of hypnosis:
● Suggestion (sensory representations, mental images, positive thoughts, and even 'affirmations).
Hypnotic suggestions, of varying difficulties, are made by verbal communication in a liberating atmosphere. " He s' then does not act to give orders or directly prescribes the change but d' accompany the patient where he wants to go, to suggest images or metaphors consistent with the patient's mental universe, to let the subject connect with his sensations and their emotions, to suggest new associations, sometimes to induce a transitory confusion that allows disconnecting from the conscious logic.
● Analytical Hypnosis
It starts from the beginning that the problem is linked to a memory well hidden in your memory. This approach uses the technique of "régression" which projects it in its past. Together, we will explore each stage of your life right up to the period where the incident responsible for the current behavior lies, followed by the strategic implementation that will allow you to overcome the problem.
● Dissociation
It allows you to disassociate the conscious spirit from the unconscious spirit.
The conscious spirit reacts in a certain conventional and well-established way and your unconscious spirit helps you to explore wider perspectives. She helps her de Ella channel future behaviors better. But the dissociation can go further... such as projecting her de Ella in a film where she can be the protagonist, the director, and the spectator.
● Eriksonian Hypnosis
This unconventional technique has its own peculiarities.
It uses induction techniques that favor making contact with our inner guide to solve a problem. Thus, the fact of concentrating on his "internment" will help him to change his orientation from him to reality, allowing him at the same time to open himself to new possibilities of evolution. This technique allows you to carry out the therapeutic work yourself thanks to your unconscious skills. In addition, the patient has the power to change and the hypnotherapist organizes the meeting. "Make your unconscious trust" (Milton H. Erikson.)
The cycle of hypnosis involves Induction - Relaxation - Discovery of the unconscious - Treatment of the problem - Positive Suggestions - Post Hypnotic Suggestions.
Within the framework of psychotherapy, the state of hypnosis can be induced to cause a dissociation between the different parts of the body and the psyche, but hypnosis, by itself, is not psychotherapy; it is a tool that the therapist uses in order to cause a change or to teach the patient «how to get over a symptom that bothers him and makes him suffer».
She uses the techniques of induction favoring the price of contact with our guide intérieur pour résoudre un problem. Ainsi le fait de vous focaliser "internement" va us aider à changer votre orientation a la réalité vous permettant au même temps de vous ouvrir à de nouvelles possibilités d'évolution. Cette technique vous permet a vous-même d'accomplir le travail thérapeutique thanks to your unconscious competences in outre, le patient détient le pouvoir de changement et le praticien organize la rencontre. "Faites confiance à votre inconscient" (Milton H. Erikson.)
"It is important to understand that the state of hypnosis in itself is not healing. The value of hypnosis rests entirely on its use as a means of facilitating healing processes by triggering responses that bring the well-being of the person in every way. It is a little like general anesthesia that allows a surgical operation to be performed. It is not the anesthesia that cures, it is the surgery, but the anesthesia is the necessary condition to perform the operation. In the same way, this is not the hypnosis that cures, it is the one that the patient does during the state that helps him to heal."
More specifically, the practice of mulching involves covering the soil at the foot of your plants with hay composed of different materials of natural, organic, and mineral origin.
You can apply this technique anywhere in the garden, always respecting certain rules and choosing the most suitable hay for your plants for greater effectiveness.
The benefits of mulching
When done correctly, mulching offers a series of advantages that improve the development of your plants and facilitate the management of your garden:
Less irrigation: An uncovered soil facilitates the evaporation of water and the transpiration of the plants. The natural mulch allows these phenomena to be limited, acting as a sponge for better water absorption during rainy periods, keeping the soil cool, and preventing it from drying out in summer.
Avoid dulling phenomenon: Clay and limestone soils tend to compact and crust on the surface after rain. Covering your soil with horticultural crops, for example, avoids it.
Fewer weeds: protecting your soil from light with mulch helps prevent the proliferation of weeds.
A more fertile soil: at the moment of decomposition, its cover will be transformed into humus and will enrich the soil with essential nutrients for the growth of vegetables.
Less muddy crops: Climbing crops (strawberries, cucumbers, melons) will not be in direct contact with the soil, but with the mulching.
Supports the life of your soil: Mulching offers a protective layer that reduces discrepancies in temperature and humidity. It favors the development of microbes on the surface that allows the release of nutrients necessary for the development of horticultural crops (mineralization).
Reduces the risk of disease: The physical screen provided by mulching helps reduce the spread of disease during periods of rain. Especially mold that spreads on leaves and twigs near the ground.
How to choose the type of mulching?
We can differentiate two categories of mulching: organic and mineral. These two types include different varieties, therefore, you will have to find which is the variety that best suits your soil or the type of plant you want to grow.
On the other hand, it is not biodegradable, and its use is recommended in plants in dry and hot climates.
We can distinguish between several varieties of mineral mulches such as crushed tiles, gravel, or flat stones. The most widely used is still pozzolana: a volcanic rock rich in siliceous, whose alveolar structure constitutes solid thermal insulation.
Organic mulching
Beyond its function of protecting the soil, this type of mulching has to fertilize properties when it decomposes and transforms into humus. It can be divided into two categories based on the rate of decomposition.
Long-term mulching> 4 years
This should be used in sustainable crops that require little renovation, such as trees, shrubs, and live plants. You should do without these if you are looking to mulch directed to the orchard.
Wood chips: They offer long-term protection and you should provide a nitrogen-rich fertilizer before it spreads.
Pine Cones - These are recommended for acidic plants.
Shrub Sizes and Pre-Compound Shredded Shrubs: If you have a shredder, transform your waste into mulching. However, be sure to get rid of coniferous clippings to avoid adding acid to your soil.
These can be used for all types of horticultural and short cycle crops:
Cut grass: You can mulch cut grass, but consider limiting its thickness to several inches to prevent rot.
Unripe compost: only for already developed plants. Avoid contact with twigs and logs to avoid causing burns.
Linen and hemp mulching: this mulch, which has excellent thermal insulating power, is very good as compost for orchards and live plants. In addition, its almost neutral pH makes it ideal for rose bushes.
Dead leaves: its excellent C / N ratio allows for natural composting.
Buckwheat mulches: This is a multi-purpose mulch that has strong opacifying performance and repels slugs and snails.
Plant Fiber Mulching: This can be used to create mulch for plants or hedges. It allows the passage of water and oxygen, but not of light. This particularity allows its use in soils already invaded by weeds and transforms them into humus after several months.
Cereal mulching: This is "traditional" mulching, however, it is difficult to find as it does not come from organic farming today. On the other hand, mulching tends to blow away and can bring in other plant seeds that you would not like to see in your garden (weeds).
Here are some examples of the shelf life of organic mulching:
Two to three years> Flax mulch, sunflower seeds, buckwheat hulls, and hemp mulch.
About a year> according to size: hay, leaves
Several weeks> Mowed grass
How to guarantee the success of the mulch?
Now that you know the type of mulching according to the plants and the desired term of protection, you can apply it to your soil. Here are some tips to help you know when and how to apply mulch:
Do not apply it when it is windy.
Do not cover on frozen ground, it will delay reheating.
Mulch in weed-free soil, unless you are using plant-based fiber mulching.
Provides abundant guidance to the soil before and after mulching.
Add 2-3 cm of mulching every year to compensate for losses when using organic mulch with a short lifespan.