Sunday, December 6, 2020

Strategies to generate leads for B2B companies

The best strategies to generate leads for companies are those that generate high-quality leads and that allows them to convert these leads into sales. We are interested in volume but above all in the quality of the leads. As lead quality I mean that the contact information obtained is from a person who meets the requirements of our ideal client profile (buyer persona): that is, has the position we want (eg financial director), work in a company of the desired size (eg 200 workers), etc.

 That said, as strategies to generate business loan leads for B2B companies, I would highlight Inbound Marketing strategies, strategies for attracting leads through the use of Pay Per Click Advertising (PPC), Outbound Marketing, and a relatively new strategy called Account-Based Marketing (ABM). In this article, I explain what each of these strategies consists of, the advantages and disadvantages, and how we can combine them to get the most out of it when it comes to getting quality leads for your company.

Strategies to generate leads

There are several strategies to generate leads for companies, I would dare to say that as many as your imagination. Now, the purpose of getting business loan leads for a company is usually to start a sales process, either in the short, medium, or long term, and ultimately to get sales. Therefore, we can invent many ways to get leads but in the end, we will evaluate the strategy based on whether it generates quality leads that at the same time generate sales. The main strategies from my point of view to generate leads are:

Inbound Marketing Strategies

Inbound Marketing + Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising

Outbound Marketing Strategies

Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Strategies

Below I explain what each of these techniques consists of to generate quality leads.

1. Inbound Marketing Strategy

The Inbound Marketing strategy consists of generating a series of content that captures the interest of our target audience, such as ebooks, webinars, blog articles, etc. It is about putting ourselves in the shoes of our target (for example, imagine that our target is the financial director of a large company) and thinking, if I were him, what kind of content would I like to read related to the world of finance?

 A possible focus of interest could be everything related to "FinTech" (from English, Finance, and Technology). In this sense, we can produce content on different topics and measure what works the most to generate leads. Notice that in this strategy, the nucleus based on which everything orbits is our ideal client ( buyer persona ). And in this senseInbound Marketing to capture leads is one of the most effective strategies that exist, not because it is magic, but because we give the user exactly what they are interested in.

Inbound Marketing case study

Imagine that our buyer persona (in our example, the CFO of a large company) performs a Google search related to "Fintech", a search like this: "How to improve the efficiency of finance with Fintech". And now suppose that an article from our blog related to this topic appears in the first search results. The user clicks on this result, accesses our blog article, starts reading, and spends 5 minutes reading it (let's assume that the article addresses their question and is well written). So far, note that it is being an attraction marketing, the user is attracted by something we offer as if our content acts like a magnet. 

At the end of the article imagine that there is a section in which the user is invited to download an ebook related to finance (eg "Fintech - Guide to improve finances with technology"). The user is very likely to be tempted to get this guide. First, because you are interested in the subject, and second because you have just spent several minutes reading our article and have given us a certain "credit" for your confidence. 

Let's suppose that the user decides to take the plunge and downloads this ebook this case, you will click on the "download ebook" button and you will find a form that asks you to enter your email and some contact information: for example, your email, name and surname, position and company (the number of fields that are requested varies a lot according to the company, the MCA leads capture tactic, etc.). Imagine that the user fills in the form. Then he gets the ebook and in return, we have obtained his contact details, et voliĆ  ! we have achieved the first lead!

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